About our location
Asthma and Allergy Care Associates is a growing asthma and allergy clinic in Richardson, TX. We have years of experience treating patients, and while we may have grown in size, we still provide the same intimate, personal, and excellent service we did back then. We take great pride in providing our community with high-quality, patient-centric care and health education. We are staffed by a team of highly skilled medical professionals and an able administrative staff who keep our thriving asthma and allergy clinic running efficiently.
Contact us
Phone Number
(469) 330-0800​
Fax Number
(469) 330-0800​
You may call our office during regular business hours. Patients that call after hours may leave a voicemail. We will return your call promptly the following business day.
As always, if you are experiencing a medical emergency, please visit your nearest emergency room or dial 911.
Office Hours
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Appointments 8am - 1pm
Injections 6:30 am- 1pm
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Appointments 11:30-4pm
Injections noon- 5pm​
Please note, our office will be closed the following days in 2023:
​April 7
May 29
July 4
September 4
November 23-24
December 22-January 1, 2024 (opening January 2, 2024)
**In case of inclement weather conditions, the office will usually close in alignment with RISD, but please check this site for the most up to date information about office closings.
Office Location
399 W. Campbell Rd, Suite 308, Richardson, TX 75080
Our office is conveniently located in Richardson. The address is above, and the building is titled Medical Plaza 2.
From Campbell Road and US75, head west. Turn left at the Canyon Creek light, then immediately head left (the ER for the older Methodist Richardson hospital will be on your right). Valet parking is free.